Eagles Postgame: Pederson Addresses Lane Johnson’s Pending Suspension

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By: Kevin Durso, Sports Talk Philly editor 

After a 17-9 win for the Eagles in Doug Pederson's first game on the sidelines, there were more questions about a possible suspension for right tackle Lane Johnson than the game itself.

Pederson spoke at length about what he and the rest of the coaching staff may be facing if they are indeed without Johnson for 10 games, as the pending suspension would be.

"You always have to be mindful of that," Pederson said. "It's something that I'll visit with coach Stoutland this week and we'll evaluate where we need to go from here. If that's the case, if it's upheld, we've got to be prepared to make some moves. Until it happens, we go full steam. But at the same time, we have to be smart about it and have people ready to go if it's upheld."

By using the word "upheld," it brought on some speculation that Pederson expects to be without Johnson for 10 weeks. Pederson insisted that he doesn't know what the result of the appeal will be, but that he has to anticipate the event that Johnson is out.

"I have to anticipate that there's a chance," Pederson said. "It would be smart on my part to have a Plan B if that's the case. We'll make that decision to see who is the next best available."

Pederson has had to deal with a lot of off-the-field issues early in his time as head coach. It would be especially disappointing, Pederson said, to lose Johnson for such a length of time.

"I'll be disappointed, but at the same time it's out of my hands," Pederson said. "I've got to focus on the whole football team.

"These guys are professionals. I talk to the team. When and if I talk to these guys individually, it's a private matter. They're grown men and I've got to treat them like grown men. If something like this happens, it is unfortunate. Sometimes you learn the hard way and we'll cross that bridge when the time comes."

Lane Johnson was unavailable for comment after the game.

As for the game, Pederson was getting his first taste of being a head coach in the NFL. It was an enjoyable experience for the first-year head coach, to be the man in charge on the sidelines.

"It was great. I felt really relaxed, at ease," Pederson said. "I had that anxious excitement at the beginning of the game, but once it kicked off, football is football. It was just a matter of trying to control your emotions. I felt comfortable. I felt good calling the plays."

The Eagles had a solid performance, particularly on defense. Despite having 11 penalties and a few formation breakdowns, Pederson was pleased getting the rookies into the game and giving them a learning experience.

"It is a positive step and I thought, to the credit of the defensive side, they flew around and did what they had to do," Pederson said. "The five turnovers is very positive. We had a couple formation issues with the young guys. Those are things we can clean up on tape. It was good to get them in the football game so the next time they have the opportunity, they won't make those mistakes.

"Obviously I was pleased with the win, pleased with the young guys at the end making a play. Overall, there's a lot of areas that we can continue to improve on. To start the game with a special teams turnover and then to score offensively was obviously a positive and the way our first defense got after them was pleasing. After that, 11 penalties and things like that can't happen, even in preseason you want to clean those up. Pleased with the win but a lot of work to do."

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