No Settlement: Major League Baseball Will Going After A-Rod Hard, Evidence In Tow

Courtesy Kevin Lesher

Alex Rodriguez was most recently seen in public playing for the Trenton Thunder on Saturday.  Rodriguez walked four times against the Reading Fightin' Phils in what should be his last rehab assignment game before being activated.  But with the Biogenesis suspensions looming, it appears that Rodriguez, in the face of loads of evidence, will not be given the opportunity to settle his.  Rodriguez had the chance to settle, but refused.  Now, at the last minute, Rodriguez wanted to settle but Major League baseball will not let him.  Joel Sherman of the New York Post is reporting that Rodriguez is stuck appealing whatever is handed down to him.

Sherman tweeted in a series of tweets:

Ques: For those think A-Rod should just get 50 gms, what if MLB can prove use in '10, '11, '12. Should it be 1 50-g penalty for period that covers nearly 500 gms B4 MLB even gets to impeding investigation.  My best guess what A-Rod camp will argue if do appeal: #Yankees docs have botched his hip injuries since '09, leaving him compromised in need of outside help because team was incompetent. Plus will try to show why #Yankees and MLB are in cahoots to penalize him far worse than others who have PED penalties. Will this work? No idea. But I am sure MLB would still rather have deal than have this play out further in court/public, detract from on-field pennant races. Of course, A-Rod also opens self up for MLB coming after him harder. Thus, reasons for settlement. But these sides hate/distrust each other.

So what does this all mean?  There is no settlement.  Rodriguez will likely fight the charges in an appeal, trying to put the blame on someone else.  Did the Yankees conspire against poor A-Rod and make him go see some doctor who injected him with PEDs without his knowledge? 

If Rodriguez were the only one facing charges, maybe he would have a shot.   Ken Davidoff of the New York Post reports that tomorrow at 12:00 noon the suspensions will be announced. But it appears that perhaps 12 other players connected to the Biogenesis clinic will agree to suspensions that will keep them out through the end of the regular season, excluding the playoffs.  

If Rodriguez had spoken up, he could have salvaged some of his expensive contract.  Now comes the harsh penalty and appeal.  It's an appeal he cannot possibly win, right?  Until the appeal is heard in trial, he is probably playing for the New York Yankees.

I cannot wait to see how the Chicago fans treat him tomorrow night.

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