Centerfielder Dexter Fowler of Rockies Available in Right Deal, Interested in Vance Worley?


More from Troy Renck of the Denver Post, and this time it relates directly to the Phillies.  First, he recognized the Rockies' interest in a starting pitcher and the fact that their centerfielder Dexter Fowler would be available for the right deal:



Then, a fan asked Renck about the starters on the Philadelphia Phillies.



Renck's reply indicated that was the case:

For the Phillies, Worley may be expendable.   Beyond Roy Halladay, Cliff Lee, and Cole Hamels, Kyle Kendrick and Vance Worley figure to be the fourth and fifth starters as it stands now.  But with Tyler Cloyd and other options available, Worley may be expendible if they can acquire Fowler.  Even if they cannot fill the fifth starter spot internally, there may be several low-cost options available on the free agent market as things wind down.

Fowler has very unbalanced home and road splits but would be a lower-cost option that would allow the Phillies to spend their money elsewhere.

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