Go To The Mets – Phillies Game At Citi Field Tomorrow, See Nas For Free

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The gimmicks to get people to Citi Field just don't stop.  We already let you know about the open bar promotion and David Wright home run derby promotion.  (David Wright, by the way, came in 7th place, good for 20% off this weekend's Phillies games at Citi Field).   

The latest also occurs this weekend: buy tickets for Friday night's Mets – Phillies game and get a free concert performance from the rapper Nas.     In case you weren't around years ago when he was last relevant, Nas earned fame by performing with Puff Daddy back in the late 1990s.

So, if you're interested – just 90 minutes up the New Jersey Turnpike you can go see the Phillies at the Mets for 20% off AND see a concert.  I wonder if he will perform family-friendly music at Citi Field.  


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