Jorge Suarez’s Weekly Slideshow Roundup
By Jorge Suarez
Many thanks to the guys who created Philliedelphia who have brought me on as the weekly slideshow correspondent. While I may or may not maintain other writing responsibilities for another site, my contribution to this blog will be to bring to you the links to the best sports slideshows that are on the internet at this time. Here is my first contribution, and I hope I get a medal for it!
Philadelphia Phillies Spring Training: Top 10 Things to do in Clearwater Area
I was much looking forward to this slideshow, because I don’t know what to do when I’m not at the Carpenter complex. In this slideshow, we learn of 9 things baseball related, and one bold all-encompassing slide to take care of the rest. But – the Florida Marlins train just 208 miles away!
MLB Spring Training: Wild Philadelphia Phillies Predictions
From the first slide entitled, “Domonic Brown” to the World Series Champs, these predictions go where no Phillies slideshow has ever gone before. And just wait to see which Phillie will win 26 games!
2011 NL East: The Phillies Will Not Win the Division Easily
OK – now this is NOT a slideshow. But to make his point that the division will not come easily to the Phils, the author says the “big four” will be “great but not spectacular”, and nothing like the Atlanta Braves rotations of 15 years ago. Now that’s some perfect logic to show why the 2011 NL East will be difficult to win.
Philadelphia Phillies: 10 Reasons Ryan Howard Will Re-enter Greatness in 2011
The best slide in this is number 10: “Potential”. Clearly, potential will translate into greatness in 2011. I can similarly conclude that “potential” is the reason that the author will finally write a good slideshow in 2011.
MLB: Why the New York Mets Can Contend This Season
“The same core is intact, and there are plenty of fantastic new players on this team”. But of course! The core of 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 are all still there, and Johan Santana may even throw a pitch by August 1! Plus, fantastic additions such as Ronny Paulino and Scott Hairston MUST make this team a contender.
2011 New York Mets: Top 14 Non-Roster Players Who May Break Major League Camp
The only reason this slideshow is awesome is that in includes a guy named “Stoner” and one named “Boof Bonser”. That is all.