Lance Berkman Signs With Rangers; Still No Phillies Outfield Movement


When the St. Louis Cardinals gave Lance Berkman a one-year, $12 million extension prior to 2012, it was a gesture of good will and thanks for his above-pay performance that helped send the team to their eleventh World Series championship.   After an injury-ridden 2012, Berkman hit free agency once again.  In this barren free agent market, Berkman took advantage and got a one-year, $11 million deal with the Texas Rangers with an option year.

My reaction is one of awe; I thought Berkman was headed for a one-year, $5 million deal or so.  Berkman was reportedly on the Phillies radar  back in November, but has been connected to the team little since.  I assume if fizzled early since Berkman is a longshot to play the outfield these days.  In Texas he will be able to serve as the designated hitter.

I am curious what Scott Hairston will cost in an offseason where Lance Berkman gets $11 million.  I am sure he remains a possibility for the Phillies.  However, more and more it looks like what you see right now is what you are going to get when the Phillies head to Spring Training.  However, the Phillies will be free to make a move as teams scurry for roster space as they make late Spring Training cuts.  The very useful and productive David Delucci was not acquired until just a few days before the 2006 season began.  There's time.

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