Larry Bowa doesn’t think Tim Tebow’s baseball career will work out

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Philadelphia Phillies bench coach Larry Bowa doesn't seem to think Tim Tebow will be successful in his attempt to play professional baseball. (Frank Klose/Philliedelphia)

By Tim Kelly, Sports Talk Philly editor

Larry Bowa's coaching legacy will probably end up being quite the mixed bag when all is said and done, but no one will ever question whether he was genuine.

Bowa recently discussed the attempt of former NFL Quarterback Tim Tebow to play professional baseball, and as transcribed by Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe, Bowa doesn't seem to be too high on Tebow's chances of succeeding:

Nobody tells it straighter than Phillies bench coach Larry Bowa, who when asked about Tim Tebow trying out for major league teams next week said, “Whoever’s idea it is, they don’t respect the game of baseball. It’s a hard game. You don’t come in at age 28 or 29. I’m not saying he’s not a good athlete, but this is a hard game and there are a lot of good athletes in pro ball that never get to the big leagues. I don’t think it can happen. There are guys 28 or 29 that are getting released every day. How can you take 10 years off and all of the sudden be facing guys throwing 95, guys throwing sliders?”

It seems hard to argue with Bowa's point. Tebow hasn't played baseball since his Junior year of high school, so while he may have had a baseball future at that time, he elected to choose football and probably closed the door on his chances of ever playing baseball at the major league level.'s Todd Zolecki was among those to report last week that the Phillies do intend to watch Tebow's workout tomorrow, though watching a workout and actually signing a player are two different things.

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