McCoy closes in on franchise record, rushing title


LeSean McCoy is 37 yards from breaking Wilbert Montgomery's single-season franchise record for rushing yards. (Photo Courtesy of

Another week, another quotable moment from LeSean McCoy.

The NFL’s leading rusher and Philadelphia Eagles’ star running back is so much more than that to his team.

McCoy is a leader. He speaks like one and shows it on the field. He is motivated week in and week out and doesn’t let the individual accolades set in. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t realize the impact his play has on his team.

When the Eagles lost to the Minnesota Vikings in Week 15, McCoy finished the game with just 13 touches. That led to his quote of the week before Sunday’s night’s rout over the Chicago Bears.

"I feel like this game I have to put the offense on my back,” McCoy said. “I want to get going. Me and the guys up front, we have to set the tone. Once we do that we can worry about the other teams. Right now, the big guys up front and I, we have to put this one on our back."

McCoy did just that, rushing for 133 yards and two touchdowns and gaining 162 all-purpose yards on 24 touches.

McCoy leads all NFL running backs by 191 yards. It would take a miracle for McCoy to not finish as the NFL’s leading rusher this season. However, he sits 37 yards off the franchise’s single-season record for rushing yards.

“I’m getting both,” McCoy said. “This is the team I play for, they drafted me, I think keeping it here with the franchise is something special.”

The current holder of that record, legendary running back Wilbert Montgomery, had some words about McCoy earlier this week in an interview with CSN Philly. The former Eagle is impressed with McCoy’s ability.

“He’s a difference-maker,” Montgomery said. “He’s the new Gayle Sayers of today. He’s dynamite. You don’t know where he’s going to be. He’s going to make 11 guys miss him in a phone booth. He’s probably the most elusive back in quite some time.”

What Montgomery is referring to is the way McCoy can turn a whole game upside down. Most notably, he did it against the Lions. But McCoy’s ability to be dynamic comes from more than just one game. It takes a season to see McCoy’s versatility and impact.

McCoy is earning the records, achievements and accolades because of his ability. He’s constantly open, constantly fighting for yards, constantly coming through in the most important situations.

McCoy and Montgomery have formed a relationship over previous seasons. Montgomery is honored to pass the torch to a player with as much ability and general respect of the game that McCoy has.

“I’m so happy that he would break it,” Montgomery said, “to take that torch and set that benchmark for someone else to break his record. I know when I did it with Steve Van Buren, he would say those records are meant to be broken. I’m just surprised it’s taken so long for it to fall and I’m so happy a guy like Shady could do it.”

McCoy remains focused on the task at hand, even with a franchise record and rushing title likely within his grasp. The Eagles game against the Dallas Cowboys is for more than just records. It’s an early playoff game.

“It’s exciting to know that you’re playing for something,” McCoy said. “I can’t wait to get out there, get playing and win this game and look forward to the playoffs. We’re playing for a lot, stakes are high, we couldn’t ask for anything better.”

Kevin Durso is a contributor for Eagledelphia. Look for his game coverage every week and his Monday Review the morning after every Eagles game. Follow him on twitter @KDursoPhilsNet.

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