Nationals Pitcher, Former Phillies Prospect Gio Gonzalez Not A PED User, Just A Liar

Gio_Gonzalez reported yesterday that five new names were on the Biogenesis list.  He also reported that fomer Phillies prospect and Nationals star pitcher Gio Gonzalez is "cleared" of taking banned substances.  Gonzalez is recorded in the documents receiving a good amount of substances from the clinic for $1000.00, but they all appear to be legal:

On a computer printout of clients, Gonzalez, identified by the code name "Gladiator," is said to have received $1,000 worth of substances, but under "notes" are several substances not banned by Major League Baseball: "gluthetyn" (which a source said was a misspelling of glutathione), "IM [intramuscular] shots" and amino acids.

Glutathione is an anti-oxidant, and one source said the "IM shots" Gonzalez received were "MICs," a medically dubious but legal combination of methionine, inositol and choline, often used for weight loss.

Previously Gonzalez denied using "any substance from" Biogenesis founder Tony Bosch:

I am glad to hear that Gonzalez did not use PEDs.   But Gonzalez also said he never used any substances provided by him, so we know he lied to us.

As for the other names that are new: San Diego Padres shortstop Everth Cabrera, Jordan Norberto, relief pitcher with the Oakland Athletics; Houston Astros and former Mets prospect outfielder Fernando Martinez; Padres reliever Fautino De Los Santo, and Mets prospect Desar Puello.   In addition to these names, the source said that all the other people named aside from Gonzalez have used PEDs.

I have one question for Gonzalez, though: In a world where J.C. Romero can test positive for something he bought at GNC, why is Gonzalez buying supplements from a shady Miami anti-aging clinic?   I hope his dad at least lost a few pounds.

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