Roy Halladay Pitches In Phillies Minor League Game To Mediocre Results


Those of you on Twitter may have noticed that the beat writers had little to say about today's Phillies matchup with the Orioles.  They have not even posted lineups.   The reason is that they were over in the minor league complex watching Roy Halladay pitch in a minor league game.  The results were mixed.

Halladay's line: 4IP, 7H, 3R, 2ER, 2BB, 1K, 1HBP. 81 pitches.

Here are some of the comments from beat writers during this game: 







The good news from all of this?  Halladay's velocity is at least creeping back up a little bit.  We know he will not be the old Halladay but we shall see how close he can be.  Halladay has one more start in Clearwater before the season opens, if indeed he pitches as previously schedule when the season starts.   As I wrote on Tuesday, they could skip Halladay the first time through in favor of a simulated game.

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