The Hamels Foundation Now Features a Retail Store in Bryn Mawr

Photo of Hamels' new digs courtesy S.W. Bajus Limited Realty

The Hamels Foundation has a new location: 880 West Lancaster Avenue in Bryn Mawr, PA. reports that the Hamels' kicked off their new headquarters with a celebration and has a photo album of the celebration here.   One really neat feature of the foundation's new headquarters is a retail store, reports:

The Hamels Foundation's retail store will sell autographed memorabilia from Hamels and his teammates, in addition to Phillies merchandise. Hamels Foundation apparel, boutique items like Jen Groover’s Empowered jewelry line, graphic tees, Alex and Ani bracelets, and baby gear will also be housed in the new location. Proceeds from purchases made at the store will benefit The Hamels Foundation.

That is really neat; I will be sure to check out what they have for sale.  The merchandise is sure to be unique and benefits a great cause.

The Hamels Foundation  began in 2008.  Their mission:

Beginning in 2008, The Hamels Foundation has been dedicated to bringing an end to extreme poverty and hardship endured by lack of educational support.

Co-founded by Cole and Heidi Hamels, The Hamels Foundation has a dual mission to provide support for quality education in the United States and establish a school in Malawi, Africa. The Hamels Foundation is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and giving them the tools to achieve their goals.

The Hamels Foundation takes a community-based approach to education by providing assistance to inner-city schools as well as supporting other education based non-profit entities in the United States. This includes but is not limited to providing stimulating learning environments, high-quality educational programs and necessary provisions to promote learning.

The commitment of The Hamels Foundation extends globally to Malawi, Africa where there are over one million orphans due to the HIV/AID pandemic. Malawi is one of the poorest, most impoverished nations in the world. The Hamels Foundation is dedicated to building a boarding school that will educate nearly 2,000 boys and girls in the Mulanje District of Malawi. The first step towards breaking the cycle of AIDS is education, as well as tending to basic needs such as shelter and food. Our goal is to provide this first step in improving the lives of thousands.

Be sure to check out the foundation's webpage and the new store!

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